Chiuro Permeabile


ChiuroPermeAbile (ChiuroPermeAble) aims at rediscovering the traditional local capacity to live with water, not only by preventing and protecting from flood risk but in an innovative form of production and towards a new active coexistence

Why are people smiling although the Butigiana stream flooded the village?

The photographer Garlaschelli was a very appreciated pharmacist. Photography was his passion. Did he ask people to smile when he was shooting the picture?....

Fabrizio Garlaschelli Archive

ChiuroPermeAbile comes from the desire to rediscover and disseminate the tangible and intangible historical heritage connected to the relationship between water and the village, now at risk of loss in a context where the territorial risk is still significant, to create a new awareness and new opportunities for local active resilience. The starting point is to recognise that the form of the settlement is itself a form of resilience to a limit imposed by climatic (rainfall), morphological (the slope and watercourses), environmental (availability of raw materials, cultivation opportunities) factors: the community has become and continues to be resilient not only because it offers ‘resistance’ to a difficult context but because it is confronted with this context.

The project aims to reduce the settlement vulnerability with respect to the flood risk (runoff and sediment transport) coming from the Valfontana slope, through the knowledge and maintenance of the different components of prevention and protection. In this way it will be possible to keep the ‘active’ prevention and protection measures (training, maintenance, knowledge of the emergency phases and procedures) efficient and operational and to provide citizens the knowledge and the measures for self-protection and reduction of risk exposure.

The Project aims at rediscovering and keeping the local community perme-able with:

The new PermeAble community (made up of the young people, the elderly, the inhabitants, but also by the visitors) is the one that rediscovers the value and meaning of the relationship between Chiuro and water, and therefore rediscovers its economic, settlement and defensive matrices. 

The project may have as its induced effects the ability of the Chiuro citizens to rediscover and restore the ancient defence system and production connected to water, the enhancement of new forms of resilience to flood risk, ranging from the positioning of new protections (when necessary) or the maintenance of those already present, as well as the integration of an effective system of training and information on the use of such protections; the possible launch of new production initiatives, from the restored  “us’cere” (bulkheads) to the new (re)uses of water.

 We will thus move from the water as a problem to the water as a resource: the flood risk protection methods become a chance for the direct involvement of the local population in the development of tourism and an opportunity for the inclusion of the vulnerable sections of population (elderly and younger generations).

  • Discovering, telling, reading the landscape the territory

    The slopes, watercourses, the village, the local memory and its traditions

  • Training, learning, and engaging

    Where was and where is the water in Chiuro today?

  • Disseminating and enhancing

    Knowledge, cultural, and cartographic information

The map of the Butigiana stream

Activities with Schools

un pomeriggio d'estate

“Suddenly, a summer afternoon” is a video document made with the pupils of the primary school of Chiuro in the school years 2019-2020 and 2020-2021. The settlement at the entrance of the Val Fontana has for centuries coexisted with the benefits deriving from the exploitation of water but has also had to defend itself from the sometimes very significant runoff of the Butigiana stream which forms during heavy rains invading the streets of the centre. The hydrogeological risk connected to the dislocation of the Borgo is still present and it is important that the Community does not forget the basic rules of prevention and self-protection.

Download the game

Looking for the lost "us'cera" with Tino

Read the storytelling developed by the local students

Chiuro: Stories of Water.
Parents and Grandparents tell Chiuro

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ChiuroPermeAbile is a project co-funded by Fondazione Cariplo within the “Comunità Resilienti 2017” call-for-ideas.

project by:

Associazione Culturale Opul

Chiuro Municipality

Proloco Chiuro

with the contribution of:

in collaboration with:

Associazione Culturale Opul

Chiuro Municipality (SO)
Pro Loco Comune di Chiuro

CSV Monza Lecco Sondrio
Consorzio di Tutela Vini di Valtellina

Lombardy Region – General Directorate Environment, Energy and Sustainabililty
Lombardy Region – General Directorate Culture Identity and Autonomies
ERSAF – Regional Agency for Services to Agriculture and Forestry
Valtellinesi Orobie Mountains Park
Mountain Community Valtellina di Sondrio
Chiuro Municipal Library “Luigi Faccinelli”
Associazione culturale “Il Viale della Formica“
Folini farm and winery
Associazione Amici degli Anziani Chiuro
Fondazione Fojanini
Legambiente Lombardia onlus
FAI Giovani Sondrio
Alpini Group Sondrio
Civil Protection Group Chiuro
Amateur Sporting Group Chiuro


Marco Vedoà